Payment Rate Methodology Development and Modeling Services

For state Medicaid and other public agencies, regular review of payment methods helps support policy goals. Our experts recommend and implement payment methodologies so you can enable the right patient and member health outcomes.

What Challenges You

Agencies, nonprofits, foundations, and other health care institutions like yours are tasked with understanding complexities, weighing competing parameters, and designing cost-effective solutions to transform service delivery. You need a partner with expertise in financial modeling, deep knowledge of state and federal regulatory requirements, and experience in innovative payment models to support you in the delivery of excellent care to members and clients.

Why Choose Us

At a time when health care is more complex than ever, our team of experts helps clients make sense of financing issues that touch all aspects of care, particularly in publicly funded programs. We bring diverse expertise in health law and policy, deep insight into the health care finance landscape, and decades of frontline experience collaborating with state government agencies to improve health outcomes from Medicaid programs.

How We Can Help

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    We help clients develop innovative payment methods to achieve program goals, support complex, vulnerable patient populations, and meet regulatory requirements.
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    Our team is highly skilled in modeling how proposed reforms would affect system financing and service delivery.
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    We offer rate setting guidance, and support the transition to improved payment systems.
$260 Million Payments included in financial modeling for one state