Clinical Pharmacy Consultant Tasmina Hydery is named AMCP Diplomat of the Year

Congratulations to Commonwealth Medicine (CWM) Consultant Pharmacist Tasmina Hydery, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, on receiving the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Diplomat of the Year Award for 2020. The award recognizes an individual responsible for significant activity in assisting a school or college of pharmacy with its efforts to increase knowledge about managed care pharmacy and visibility into the managed care pharmacy field. As consultant pharmacist at CWM, Hydery plays a lead role in the implementation of formulary initiatives for specialty pharmaceutical medications for the Massachusetts Medicaid (MassHealth) pharmacy program.

“On behalf of our leadership team at Clinical Pharmacy Services, we are delighted that Tasmina has been honored with the AMCP Diplomat of the Year Award,” said Timothy Cummins, MBA, BS, RPh, executive director, Clinical Pharmacy Services at Commonwealth Medicine.  “Tasmina has done a wonderful job as liaison for the Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences AMCP chapter, organizing site visits to Commonwealth Medicine and promoting the important mission of pharmacy managed care.”

In addition to serving as clinical consultant pharmacist at Commonwealth Medicine, Hydery is also an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health at UMass Medical School.  Hydery also serves as a preceptor for pharmacy students, medical students, and PGY1 managed pharmacy residents.

“I am humbled to have been selected as AMCP’s Diplomat of the Year,“ said Hydery. “As a pharmacy student, I was fortunate to have numerous instructors and pharmacy professionals who served as mentors and helped shape the pharmacist, educator, and leader I am today. Volunteering as an AMCP (@AMCPorg) diplomat is my way of giving back to the local student community while helping raise awareness of the managed care pharmacy profession.”

AMCP’s member pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and professionals in life sciences and biopharmaceutical companies leverage their expertise in clinical evidence and economics to optimize medication benefit design and population health management, touching the lives of nearly 300 million Americans served by private and public health plans, pharmacy benefit management firms, and emerging care models.

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  • Tasmina Hydery